As of 5 minutes ago, I have now given my 20 minute Original Work and Reflection Speech. This was a recap of the research and the work I did throughout the first semester, the original work website I did, and my plan moving forward. I highlighted my research and how it all connected together and went through the Original Work. In doing so I reflected on my first semester. While in some ways it was a mistake to not take a more wide, career-focused approach to the first semester, I am proud of my work on wrongful convictions and the product that I produced through it. Additionally, I highlighted my plan for the future and the interview I had with Walker Steven Young.
Goals for the coming week
This week will be very chaotic for me and not just because of ISM. I have a state championship final to compete for and am putting a lot of work into preparation with my team. Additionally, I am out of town from Thursday to Sunday on a competition for a Youth in Government club I am in. This is the state event for that team and I am excited. On top of this, I need to complete an assessment for ISM which I am planning to focus on trial procedures for appeals. I also need to create a display board for the upcoming gallery walk we have for ISM. A testing yet productive week is ahead.