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Writer's pictureCharles Murtha

Original Working - 12/7/23

This week was a week of freedom to research, organize and synthesize information, and continue work towards my original work website project.  As the main goal of the website is providing readers with the most important information about wrongful convictions in an easily understandable and accessible way, the research I have taken needs to be synthesized and shortened so that it is concise and well explained to be understood.  I am continuing to work on ways to shorten the reformative measures so that they are easy to understand while also making sure they are thoroughly explained.  Additionally, I am choosing which case studies I want to include on my site where I will also include a link directed to the National Registry of Exonerations where every exoneration that has been recorded in the United States is documented.  This site is well updated and thorough and is where I found a large portion of the cases I am planning on using.  

Goals for the coming week

This coming week and the following week will both be dedicated to working on the original work website project.  The due date is coming soon and so it is my responsibility to continue to work at and develop my website and the research I am putting into it.  Additionally, I will try to reach out to additional professionals to try and find interviews, make connections, and eventually seek a mentorship.

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