My plan from the previous week was to focus on the ethical lens and concerns with the legal world through my research. While I strayed further from specifically taking an ethical lens to issues than I initially planned, I found that it guided me towards many concerns with the justice system. Through research done as a part of an Annotated Bibliography, a way of summarizing and organizing sources that I used during research, I branched out and found issues that I can pursue in ISM. I looked at an article highlighting the argument about the morality of Guantanamo Bay. This was hugely interesting to me because it pins the values of human rights and safety up against each other. However, I am not confident about my ability to dive into this as a major point of my research as it is very confidential in nature because of its importance to national security. Additionally, I looked at concerns with specific laws across the country, such as the three strikes law in California, and found a case that shows the flaws of the statute. This was seen through Daniel Larsen, who served 13 years of a life sentence he received for a crime that would otherwise be worthy of a 3 year sentence. On top of that, Larsen was found to be innocent of the crime. This shows that not only is the law arguably unethical, but innocent people can have their lives ruined because of simple mistakes being blown out of proportion by this law and its procedures. I also reviewed cases that dealt with false convictions, double jeopardy, and the infamous O.J. Simpson case.
This week also was spent building a resume to be used throughout the year for professional representation of myself. This allowed me to take a step back and review my accomplishments and accolades and also served as a realization that there are other opportunities I should be participating in to build onto that resume and make it even more impressive.
Goals for the coming week
This week I plan to do further research in the form of a second Annotated Bibliography. I plan to build on a concern I discovered this past week: wrongful convictions, and look into what leads to them and how much of an issue it is in our justice system. Additionally, I plan to complete and finalize my resume and work towards preparing for the Business Symposium next month.